Fulton Mall, arguably the “Main Street” of Downtown Brooklyn, is about to be greener and more pedestrian friendly thanks to a joint effort between the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, the NYC Parks Department, and the city’s Department of Transportation.
The program is expected to take a little more than a year (with a scheduled completion date of fall 2025) and will bring more trees/greenery, seating areas, and re-designed sidewalks to Fulton Street between Flatbush Ave and Boerum Place.
It will be completed in nine phases and contruction is planned to take place overnight (between 8pm and 6am) to minimize disruption to people’s daily lives.
These changes are a welcome addition to the neighorhood, which has seen an influx of new residents since the 2004 rezone of the neighborhood. The plan sounds great in terms of minimizing disruption.
Now, if only we could get some attention on Fleet Street, the pedestrian walkway between Albee Square and Flatbush Avenue. That sidewalk has been mostly blocked off due to the consturction of the tallest building in Brooklyn, 9 Dekalb, for eight years now. Please, just give us back our sidewalk…
Watch the video for more details about the upcoming project from Pix 11 News: